TOC February 2019: Round 1 - Moore! Dolnick! Newman!

We got a little wild in the late winter and cooked up not one but TWO month of love readings. Our first featured authors Wayétu Moore (SHE WOULD BE KING), Ben Dolnick (THE GHOST NOTEBOOKS), and Sandra Newman (THE HEAVENS). We talked about stories and meals of place and escape, shame and food, and identity through journeys both geographical and personal. There was truly a lot to chew on.

Thanks as always to George Weld for capturing the evening in images.

Wayétu Moore, She Would Be King

Wayétu Moore, She Would Be King

Cassava leaf over overcooked rice, Wayétu Moore, February 2019

Cassava leaf over overcooked rice, Wayétu Moore, February 2019

Ben Dolnick, The Ghost Notebooks

Ben Dolnick, The Ghost Notebooks

Ash-roasted potatoes with frozen sage, Ben Dolnick, The Ghost Notebooks, 2019.

Ash-roasted potatoes with frozen sage, Ben Dolnick, The Ghost Notebooks, 2019.

Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Chinese Dumplings, Sandra Newman, The Heavens, 2019.

Chinese Dumplings, Sandra Newman, The Heavens, 2019.