We had a wild and amazing dinner series in March, cooking a 10-course meal from author Marlon James’ BLACK LEOPARD, RED WOLF. The evening was presented in collaboration with Riverhead and Food Book Fair, and while we have a LOT more to share from the evening we wanted to start with this lovely recap from Drew Broussard, a longtime friend and collaborator and host (with Chris Hermelin) of the SO MANY DAMN BOOKS podcast. As Drew describes:

“ Then the meal truly begins. Riesling replaces the palm drink, followed by an array of greens, inspired not by any particular meal in the novel but by its many depictions of foliage and undergrowth. It’s hard to discern what the greens are, even as we assume they are variations on normal salad fixings—but they’re quickly devoured and replaced by bowls of soup that carry the aroma of miso, but of something else as well. “Lemongrass, fish, and blood,” our menu/bookmarks say—but what does that mean? Are we to dash this leaf full of reddish liquid into the soup? Am I actually tasting the iron tang of blood or is that just a confirmation bias? Does it really matter? ”

Check out Drew’s write-up here!