TOC on Literary Hub!

We’re still blushing from this lovely write-up by Abigail Bereola on our September Tables of Contents reading, published on LitHub. Abigail somehow captures the exact feelings we’re looking to create at these readings - it’s a recap but also a guiding light for our events in the future!

These last two paragraphs really killed us:

If attendees don’t know any of the authors who are reading, the draw is still there. The joy exists in being able to meet the authors and hear their work, to sit and connect with other audience members, and to enjoy what Hanczor and his team have created. It’s not just a reading, but an experience.

In a city that can be so lonely, Tables of Contents is a welcoming space where you can go eat a little food, hear a little literature, and maybe leave with a sense that New York is more permeable than it seems.

Hoping we can live up to that with every event to come. Check out the full piece here and THANK YOU ABIGAIL!!

Evan Hanczor